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mnahkiesyesterday at 6:55 PM1 replyview on HN

I didn't actually realize that AWS supported this, I thought Azure was the only one offering it (https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/azure-confidential-co...)

Are you speaking of this functionality? https://developer.nvidia.com/blog/confidential-computing-on-... (and am I just failing to find the relevant AWS docs?)


tonygiorgioyesterday at 7:57 PM

Yes, you're correct on both, though I think Google Cloud recently started supporting it as well. AWS will likely have GPU enclave support with Trainium 2 soon (AFAIK, that feature is not publicly offered yet but could be wrong).

We work with Edgeless Systems who manages the GPU enclave on Azure that we speak to from our AWS Nitro instance. While not ideal, the power of enclaves and the attestation verification process, we at least know that we're not leaking privacy by going with a third party GPU enclave provider.