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Mathematics of the daily word game Waffle

35 pointsby belteryesterday at 7:07 PM12 commentsview on HN


ChrisArchitectyesterday at 7:22 PM

Is there a daily NYT word game called Waffle? I don't think so?

Wordle - NYT daily word game. https://www.nytimes.com/games/wordle/index.html

Waffle - some other game. https://wafflegame.net/

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hackernjtoday at 12:15 AM

I just found the following version of the Waffle game: https://wordle-nyt.org/waffle

The host name includes “nyt”, but the web page doesn’t seem to be owned by the New York Times.

oliwaryyesterday at 7:40 PM

Interesting! I think there is a lot of math going on in these kind of games. I have noticed interesting patterns in my game https://videopuzzle.org/ as well.

In daily mode, everyone gets a video scrambled into 4x4 pieces, in the same way, and needs to unscramble it. The operations available to unscramble a video are swapping a tile, and shifting the entire board. The lowest score every day is usually 12-14, but sometimes much lower.

Before I introduced the shifting function, surprisingly, every puzzle could only be solved in an either even or odd number of moves. Some days, all solutions would be 12-14-16 etc, while other days only 13-15-17 were possible. The arrows have changed this, as you can sometimes shave another move off if you use it smartly.

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killingtime74today at 12:35 AM

Interesting game where you may not know the word but can solve it by using logic regarding the swaps.