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dbanyesterday at 8:47 PM2 repliesview on HN

This is our first post about building out data centers. If you have any questions, we're happy to answer them here :)


coder543today at 1:29 AM

I thought it was an interesting post, so I tried to add Railway's blog to my RSS reader... but it didn't work. I tried searching the page source for RSS and also found nothing. Eventually, I noticed the RSS icon in the top right, but it's some kind of special button that I can't right click and copy the link from, and Safari prevents me from knowing what the URL is... so I had to open that from Firefox to find it.

Could be worth adding a <meta> tag to the <head> so that RSS readers can autodiscover the feed. A random link I found on Google: https://www.petefreitag.com/blog/rss-autodiscovery/

gschieryesterday at 9:38 PM

How do you deal with drive failures? How often does a Railway team member need to visit a DC? What's it like inside?

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