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baqyesterday at 8:53 PM5 repliesview on HN

RJ45 nazi here: these should be called 8P8C

I’ll show myself out


polpoyesterday at 10:39 PM

I don't mind calling the connector an RJ45, but calling this thing an "RJ45 dongle" makes my eye twitch. It's an Ethernet dongle - RJ45 can be used for a lot of other things. For example I've seen "RJ45 dongles" that convert USB to RS232 serial for the console ports on a lot of networking equipment.

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geerlingguyyesterday at 9:56 PM

Heh I think anyone who studies for the Network+ ends up debating every time RJ45 is mentioned whether to make this comment or not haha

SAI_Peregrinustoday at 12:43 AM

Or RJ31X or RJ38X, both of which did use the 8P8C modular connector in its unkeyed configuration.

daneel_wyesterday at 11:30 PM

Don't show yourself out. Stay and remind people. It's important, since these two aren't interchangeable in both directions.

leptonsyesterday at 9:27 PM

TIL. After maybe 25 years of using this connector, I've never heard it called 8P8C. I knew Ethernet has used other physical layers including coax, which I used to run between Amigas way back in the day. But, today I finally learned about 8P8C.

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