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miki123211yesterday at 11:01 PM1 replyview on HN

As far as I understand, many of those brokers are specific to Russia, and get their data specifically from Russian sources which Ukrainians are unlikely to be involved with.

Russian officials / employees are easier to bribe, so there are brokers selling access to car ownership / license plate records, cell phone location records and call logs, passport records etc.

There's a good Bellingcat article on this at https://www.bellingcat.com/resources/2020/12/14/navalny-fsb-...


gunianyesterday at 11:07 PM

Interesting any idea why the FSB/GRU make their agents operate using their real identities as opposed to using a cover?

Or did Tom Clancy lie and they are so incompetent they can't even use OSINT tools lol

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