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booboodenaliyesterday at 11:09 PM2 repliesview on HN

Agreed! You think HN is different?


ok123456yesterday at 11:35 PM

Everyone thinks their consumption is more virtuous than everyone else.

HN provides the same basic neophilia.

svaratoday at 12:41 AM

There's a difference in degree, it's less addictive. HN works a little differently, in that its goal is not primarily to convert attention directly into revenue.

Personally, I still need to be deliberate in limiting my use, so I wouldn't be sad to see it disappear, even though I do find some value in it.

None of us have more than 24 hours in our days. That time is precious. Products that are specifically designed to suck up as much of it as possible must be avoided.

I'm really bored at this point by the political discussions around this. We've heard it all a million times. As far as I'm concerned, that's missing the point.

Because, at the end of the day, and ignoring for a moment the practicality of the notion, the world would just be a better place without them.

Seriously, go read a book. We'd be living in a different world if that scaled.