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vduprasyesterday at 11:50 PM9 repliesview on HN

Don't we need to have a pretty low opinion of the average american cognitive skill to feel the need to protect them from foreign propaganda for fear it would take a hold on them?

If the general public is that stupid and that this kind of protection is really needed, then it also means that democracy is no longer a viable form of government because the public is also too stupid to vote.


lcnPylGDnU4H9OFyesterday at 11:54 PM

> Don't we need to have a pretty low opinion of the average american cognitive skill to feel the need to protect them from foreign propaganda for fear it would take a hold on them?

No. Influential foreign propaganda is inconspicuous. There’s nothing to be mindful of other than “who benefits if this is widely believed?” and it’s not a low opinion to think most people aren’t mindful of that.

penjellytoday at 1:51 AM

> Don't we need to have a pretty low opinion of the average american cognitive skill to feel the need to protect them from foreign propaganda for fear it would take a hold on them

that's naive. Literally leaving CNN on in your living room 3 days a week will eventually change you opinions. Our minds absorb things we hear repetitively, even if we now they might be half truths or lies.

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throwawayq3423today at 12:16 AM

Propaganda works. PR works. The global ad industry is worth trillions, not because it doesn't work.

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thedalytoday at 2:16 AM

Foreign propaganda is much easier to spot. It is the domestic propaganda that was legalized in the 2012 Smith-Mundt Modernization act that concerns me.

JumpCrisscrosstoday at 12:06 AM

> If the general public is that stupid

What is your evidence that propaganda efficacy scales inversely with intelligence?

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stevenAthompsontoday at 12:12 AM

Fifty four percent of Americans now read below the sixth grade level.

insane_dreamertoday at 1:04 AM

> Don't we need to have a pretty low opinion of the average american cognitive skill

Well, half the country voted for a convicted felon who _illegally tried to overturn the results of an election_, so yeah, it's pretty low.

> democracy is no longer a viable form of government because the public is also too stupid to vote.

"Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others" -- Churchill

It's flawed, but still miles better than what China has. At least there are still some safeguards on Trump, unlike Xi.

blackeyeblitzartoday at 2:12 AM

> If the general public is that stupid and that this kind of protection is really needed, then it also means that democracy is no longer a viable form of government because the public is also too stupid to vote.

They are, it is, and it never was, for that exact reason.

kfrzcodetoday at 1:45 AM

Do not underestimate your enemy.