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cscurmudgeontoday at 3:01 AM3 repliesview on HN

> many it was a revelation that the US government/media complex has been systematically lying to them about China.

The rational and data-based take is that the CCP censors negative content about China on Red Book. See [1], [2] and [3] from David Zhang, and you can verify this on your own.

  [1] https://www.youtube.com/shorts/LKR8-AxFvJY
  [2] https://www.youtube.com/shorts/4tMxW77lFBA
  [3] https://www.youtube.com/shorts/N65jFr061_o
If China is so developed, why does it fight for developing nation status?


> They are arriving at an acceptance that the US is a shabby declining empire dominated by a corrupt elite and heartless broligarchs. Always a good thing to bump up against reality, imho.

Try making this comment about China in Red Book and see how long it lasts.

Can you post a video about use of gutter oil in China on Red Book? You can post a video about drug use in SF on Twitter and not get banned.


_tik_today at 3:24 AM

You should provide more reliable and trusted sources. The link you shared here originates from Falun Gong, a cult.

DiogenesKynikostoday at 2:29 PM

> If China is so developed, why does it fight for developing nation status?

Because overall, China is still much poorer than the developed world (Western Europe, USA, Japan, etc.).

China has some amazing infrastructure and beautiful cities, and many cities, like Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen, are now quite developed, but on the whole, the country still has a ways to go.

> The rational and data-based take is that the CCP censors negative content about China on Red Book. [...] Can you post a video about use of gutter oil in China on Red Book?

There is heavy censorship in China, but there's also heavy propaganda about China in the US. Case in point: the videos you linked to come from Falun Gong media, run by a Scientology-like cult that somehow has tons of money (maybe from a 3-letter agency) to spread their own propaganda in the US.

Dalewyntoday at 9:16 AM

>If China is so developed, why does it fight for developing nation status?

Because "developing nation" status confers certain exemptions and benefits.

China is ruthless about (ab)using every possible trick in the rulebook to take and hold the higher ground, this is just one such example.