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lazideyesterday at 6:14 AM1 replyview on HN

So you’re saying that if everyone would flat out starve to death, they would not, or could not, spend that amount of time/money/energy to not starve to death?

I’m not saying it would be pretty, or that people wouldn’t die.

I’m just saying that actually doesn’t sound impossible.

Far more effort than that was expended per person in WW2, and that wasn’t nearly as severe of an existential threat.

Hell, in this case it would be an obvious/visible, sudden, external, non-human existential threat, so would be ideal for uniting humanity on somewhat common grounds.


eminent101yesterday at 12:42 PM

I doubt there is any point in debating a complex topic with someone whose only responses are dismissive questions and "5 minutes of Googling"! I appreciate your thoughtful comments in this thread though!