> Average electricity cost in the EU has been €0.289 per kWh.
I'm curious where you're getting this from, and also what other Europeans on HN currently pay?
I'm in Spain with Octopus (via Spock's collective bargaining), and my effective price for December ended up being 0.131 EUR/kWh, while you claim a price that is 3x what I currently pay. Just wondering if I'm an outlier with the price Spock managed to get us.
> The EU average price in the first half of 2024 — a weighted average using the most recent (2022) consumption data for electricity by household consumers — was €0.2889 per KWh.
Guessing that's your source :) Seems that's specific for home usage though, while your comment seems to be in a different context. Not sure electricity is cheaper/more expensive in industrial contexts.
I’m with Octopus in the UK (so not EU any more), on the Agile plan so it changes depending on wholesale prices. My average last month was £0.2061/kWh. Fixed tariffs are closer to £0.25/kWh.
Electricity prices for non-household consumers https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php...
> The EU average price in the first half of 2024 was €0.1867 per KWh