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lcnPylGDnU4H9OFyesterday at 4:19 PM0 repliesview on HN

That is not their bar. Read this more carefully:

> 1/3 of the global population is at all, there’s only 380 million native English speakers.

1/3 of the population speaks English “at all” (by which they mean speaking fluently, not learning) and 380 million people (roughly 5% of the population) is native.

Not trying to throw shade at anyone but it’s really... not hard for a reader to pause a little when one reads something that sounds wrong; it’s possible the reader misread. It’s even in the guidelines under different words:

> Please respond to the strongest plausible interpretation of what someone says, not a weaker one that's easier to criticize. Assume good faith.

There was a lot of failure to follow to this guideline in this comment thread.