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rainonmoon01/19/20251 replyview on HN

I sincerely hope one day your understanding of the history of American imperialism is increased along with the ability to clearly read my comment and you finally wonder how you could have ever believed in something so hypocritical.



I did read your comment.

If you think that XKEYSCORE is used to "wiretap", in the sense that someone goes out and hacks someone's computer or phone, you clearly don't know the tech enough to speak about it.

Which makes your first statement of abuse of power wrong.

My point was that you can't name a single case where someone, even through metadata collection, was targeted through abuse of power (i.e because of a personal reason unrelated to the law), which generally should make you at least question what you believe.

But instead, the way your brain works is that if it can't rationalize some evidence presented to the contrary, you automatically fall back on things that you know are bad, like "American Imperialism", however unrelated it may be. Much in the same way in which MAGA hypocrisy works, where anytime you present any evidence of corruption, the most common response is "well democrats are bad too".

I do wonder if this brainrot within people around the world, not just in US, is irreversible at this point.

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