Thanks for posting this, I like it very much.
Furthermore, I would like to see a simple email client written using it, which can be controlled using only the keyboard (on mobile devices) or with the mouse (when at home). This seems possible as you have integrated some hotkey event management already.
• Login (receive password and then connect to remote account via IMAP)
• Inbox view (default) (up/down/PgUp/PgDown)
• Write an email ("W" or "N"ew email or "M"ail)
• Contacts ("C" or "A"ddress book)
• Search ("S" or "F"ind)
• Logout ("Q"uit or e"X"it)
(What I'm after is to re-create the BlackBerry e-mail experience.)
I wonder how much effort this would be, and if I outsourced it, how much that would cost?
That is almost a spec right there, tie it into a JMAP server and you are done.