Is there something out there like this that is self-hosted? It’s ridiculous that this isn’t, and it’s going to become a pay-per-print model?! I don’t care about the AI nonsense, it’s a printer.
I could see myself using something like this to print recipes. I’d like to avoid getting my fancy cook book dirty, but have still have recipe in the kitchen to reference. Phone works okay until you have to scroll with dirty/wet hands.
I was surprised by this, but you can install a driver and simply print to these printers. Or, at least, the one I purchased is that way.
You can also use lp, lpr, or nc to send text and codes to it.
Mine is connected to my network via Ethernet. No RPi is required to send stuff to it from any computer on the network.
> I could see myself using something like this to print recipes.
The home equivalent of a fast food kitchen ticket printer!
I think this is a fun little project, but only until people discover how annoying thermal printers are in actual use, combining all the user-hostility of printers with a tiny form factor.
If you want a really unique gimmick, you can get wireless bluetooth thermal printers that have belt loops. Intended as table-side receipt printers for waitstaff or ticket printers for transit.
Another unique feature receipt printers often have that regular ones don't: a 24V pulse "kicker", intended for firing the release solenoid on cash drawers. I'm sure someone can find a use for that.
(I spent some time in the POS software mines)
A regular printer, a binder, and a three-hole punch work fine. As a bonus, the printer is also useful in other ways, and any mementos produced with it will last in a way thermal paper never really does.
// Hardcoded token for authentication $authToken = 'your-secure-token-here';
// Set the printer name (adjust to your printer's name) $printerName = 'YourPrinterName';
// Allow only POST requests if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] !== 'POST') { http_response_code(405); echo json_encode(['error' => 'Method not allowed. Use POST.']); exit; }
// Check for token in the request if (empty($_POST['token']) || $_POST['token'] !== $authToken) { http_response_code(401); echo json_encode(['error' => 'Unauthorized: Invalid token.']); exit; }
// Check if a file was uploaded if (empty($_FILES['file']) || $_FILES['file']['error'] !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { http_response_code(400); echo json_encode(['error' => 'No file uploaded or file upload error.']); exit; }
// Get the uploaded file path $uploadedFile = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name']; $fileName = basename($_FILES['file']['name']);
// Use lp command to print the file $command = escapeshellcmd("lp -d " . escapeshellarg($printerName) . " " . escapeshellarg($uploadedFile)); exec($command, $output, $status);
// Check the status of the command if ($status === 0) { http_response_code(200); echo json_encode(['success' => "File '$fileName' sent to printer '$printerName'."]); } else { http_response_code(500); echo json_encode(['error' => 'Failed to print the file.']); }