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bigbones01/21/20254 repliesview on HN

It gets more interesting when you think about the impact on groups. Sending an image to a group is enough for all devices associated with that group to be identifiable from CloudFlare's side, who additionally see a giant chunk of unencrypted traffic from the same client addresses going to other web sites. Given Cloudflare's less-than-straight approach to sales, it is astonishing the words "secure" and "Signal" ever appear in the same sentence.

CloudFlare get to see a fuckton of metadata from private and group chats, enough to trace who originally sends a piece of media (identifiable from its file size), who reads it, when it is is read, who forwards it and to whom. It really doesn't matter that they can't see an image or video, knowing its size upfront or later (for example in response to a law enforcement request) is enough



> Given Cloudflare's less-than-straight approach to sales, it is astonishing the words "secure" and "Signal" ever appear in the same sentence.

This is an overly binary take. Security is all about threat models, and for most of us the threat model that Signal is solving is "mainstream for-profit apps snoop on the contents of my messages and use them to build an advertising profile". Most of us using it are not using Signal to skirt law enforcement, so our threat model does not include court orders and warrants.

Signal can and should append some noise to the images when encrypted (or better yet, pad them to a set file size as suggested by paulryanrogers in a sibling comment) to mitigate the risks of this attack for those who do have threat models that require it, but for the vast majority of us Signal is just as fit for purpose as we thought it was.

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>It gets more interesting when you think about the impact on groups. Sending an image to a group is enough for all devices associated with that group to be identifiable from CloudFlare's side,

Doesn't this open up the possibility to identify groups that have been infiltrated by spies or similar posers? If you use this method to kinda-sorta locate or identify all the users in your group and one or more of those users ends up being located in a region where you should have no active group members then you may have identified a mole in your network.

Just thinking out loud here since there's no one else home.

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I wonder if we'll see assets being padded to some common byte sizes to combat this.

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> , it is astonishing the words "secure" and "Signal" ever appear in the same sentence.

You misspelled "I do not understand what end to end encryption means"