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djhn01/21/20258 repliesview on HN

Somewhat adjacent question: are there people working on ways to verify that a particular server or API backend are running the specific signed release that is open sourced? Can a company somehow cryptographically prove to its users that the running build is derived from the source unmodified?



Yes. My colleagues and I have been working on it (and related concepts) for six years.





This presentation explains the idea and lists similar projects.


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[AD] I've wrote a short paper on this; Remote Software Identification -- Zero Trust Remote Software Verification [1] after reading a blog post by GUIX - and I've provide PoC code in Go [2]. It utilises a hash chain log server side, of inputs and outputs, every response from server embeds the related hash chain entry, client side can request and replay the log and verify the response hash adds up to the hash they calculated.

[1] - https://gist.github.com/adrianduke/ab40044ccee16804a9d0b2b77... [2] - https://gist.github.com/adrianduke/676ee1ffb88f4489b31aebf5e...


You can get most of the way there with something like the SLSA/BCID framework, with the final artifact including some trusted provenance from an attested builder. You could go further and aim for full reproducibility on top of the provenance, but reproducible builds across different environments can get messy fast if you're looking to independently build and achieve the same result. Either way the end result is you have some artifact that you reasonably trust to represent some specific source input (ignoring the potential for backdoored compiler or other malicious intermediate code generation step).

Now for the last mile, I'll admit I'm not particularly well-versed on the confidential compute side of things, so bridging the gap from trusted binary to trusted workload is something I can only speculate wildly on. Assuming you have a confidential compute environment that allows for workload attestation, I imagine that you could deploy this trusted binary and record the appropriate provenance information as part of the initial environment attestation report, then provide that to customers on demand (assuming they trust your attestation service).

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You can do this with e.g. EC2 enclaves. Of course that's kind of begging the question, since you need to trust the enclaves.


That's what remote attestation in Intel SGX does. There's similar features in other platforms as well.

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Detecting physical ingress in a co-location server is not uncommon after contacting political representatives in some countries. It is wise to have password protected SSL certs as the bare minimum non-resettable tripwire, close monitoring of the HDD/SSD drives s.m.a.r.t. firmware power-cycle counter, and of course an encrypted partition for logs and other mutable/sensitive content. Note for performance, a "sudo debsums -sac" command along with other tripwire software can audit unencrypted system binaries efficiently. Most modern ephemeral malware (on android especially) is not written to disk to avoid forensic audits assigning accountability, as the chance of re-infection is higher if you hide the exploit methodology.

Folks should operate like they already have someone with a leaked instance of their key files. In general, a offline key-self-signing authority issuing client/peer certs is also important, as on rare occasion one can't trust 3rd parties not to re-issue certs for Google/Facebook/Github etc. to jack users.

Eventually one should localize your database design to specific users, and embed user action telemetry into a design. i.e. damage or hostile activity is inherently limited to a specific users content, sanity checking quota systems limit the damage they can cause, and windowed data-lifecycle limits the credentials to read-only or does garbage collection after some time.

In general, the rabbitMQ AMQP over SSL client signed cert credential system has proven rather reliable. Erlang/Elixir is far from perfect, but it can be made fairly robust with firewall rules.

Good luck, YMMV of course... =3


In addition to the enclave routes, I have a proposal to build this with AWS Lambda as a poor man’s attestation: https://github.com/captn3m0/ideas?tab=readme-ov-file#verifia...


See Keylime for this.