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abdullahkhalids01/21/20254 repliesview on HN

That's mostly reasonable. But for some people at least, the PhD doesn't give them all the skills they are looking for, so they might do another post-doc (2-3 years at slightly better than PhD lifestyle), before jumping ship.



It's entirely anecdotal, but in my experience in academia (which consisted of 4 years of post-master's PhD), I've seen this happen exactly 0 times.

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That’s what happened to me: PhD in UK -> postdoc 1 -> postdoc 2 -> faculty -> industry.


A postdoc can also act as temporary employment when one can't immediately find a position outside academia. They tend to be very low commitment as a result of the laughable compensation.


Nope. All it takes is the first tenured professor to say "Well, yes, this was all good work you did for the last year... but we are not going to put your name on the paper... wait... where are you going? Are you leaving?"

"The door will not hit me in the *ss on the way out."

I have seen this TWICE. B.M. and M...