From the article:
Again, kudos to Uncle Bob for reminding me about the importance of good software architecture in his classic Clean Architecture! That book is my primary inspiration for this series. Without clean architecture, we’ll all be building firmware (my paraphrased summary).
What does clean architecture have to do with building firmware or not? Plenty of programmers make a living building firmware. Just because they don't need/can't/want to apply clean architecture in their code, doesn't mean they are inferior to those who do.
Furthermore, after a snippet which I suppose it is in Kotlin, there is this:
While mathematically a square is a rectangle, in terms of behavior substitutability, it isn’t. The Square class violates LSP because it changes the behavior that clients of Rectangle expect. Instead of inheritance, we can use composition and interfaces
The Liskov principle is about one of the three types of polymorphism (so far): subtyping polymorphism. Which is about inheritance. Composition is _not_ subtyping. And interfaces (be it Java's or Kotlin's) are another type of polymorphism: ad-hoc. Even Wikipedia[1] has the correct definition:
Ad hoc polymorphism: defines a common interface for an arbitrary set of individually specified types.
Therefore, the examples of interfaces aren't compliant with LSP as well.
I understand the good intentions behind the article, but it left much to be desired. A proper research to at least fix the glaring errors should have been made beforehand.
I’m in the middle of reading Clean Architecture right now. The square/rectangle example is directly from the book.
The firmware statement is an argument made (differently) in the book that software is called soft because it’s easy to change. Firmware is harder to change because of its tight coupling and dependencies (to the hardware). Software that is hard to change due to tight coupling and dependencies could almost be considered firmware—like brand new code without tests can almost be considered legacy.