I just built a library on jReleaser!
I wanted to release a jvm lib on Maven Central -- which no longer requires opening a jira ticket for a new package! Instead, simple DNS TXT verification is all that's needed. However, the caveat is that it's the new Maven Central service, which doesn't have as much support in build tools as the older sonatype one. jReleaser is one of the few tools which supports it.
So I hacked together a fully self-contained minimally reproducible example of a Gradle library, built and published in GitHub using jReleaser.
There were several things that had me scratching my head with jReleaser, and the docs are strangely organized IMO (it comes from supporting so many facets, I believe), but it ended up working well enough!
I ended up adding a doc build and some other stuff to the repo too. Now I have a full example that I can use to trivially publish new libraries (such as in-progress https://github.com/NJAldwin/ambient-consumer ).
(Why Maven Central? Since the demise of jFrog/jCenter/BinTray, there's not been an easy way to widely publish jvm libraries. At work I've used GH packages, but that requires a GitHub login even for public packages, which is a significant barrier IME. JitPack is one option, but it does on-demand builds linked closely to the origin repo, whereas I wanted the classic immutable build published on release.)