> everyone will be able to generate "something incredible" and then it all becomes not incredible.
no, that's just your standard moving up.
There is an absolute scale for which you can measure, and ai is approaching a point where it is an acceptable level.
Imagine if you applied your argument to quality of life - it used to be that nobody had access to easy, cheap clean drinking water. Now everybody has access to it. Is it not an incredible achievement, rather than it not being incredible just because it is common?
That quote from the movie "the incredibles", where the villain claims that if everybody is super, then nobody is, was your gist of the argument. And it is a childish one imho.
It is equally childish to compare the engineering of our modern water and plumbing systems with the automated generation of virtual textured polygons.
People don't get tired of good clean water because we NEED it to survive.
But oh, another virtual world entirely thought up by a machine? Throw it on the pile. We're going to get bored of it, and it will quickly become not incredible.