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The rationale for Dependency Injection was never _just_ about "making testing static methods" easier. In fact, Dependency injection was never about static methods at all. No DI advocate — not even the radical Uncle Bob — will tell you to stop using Math.round() or Math.sqrt(), even though they are static methods.

The main driver for dependency injection was always to avoid strong coupling of unrelated classes. Strong coupling can be introduced by cases like Class A always instantiating a class B which is a particular subtype of class S (i.e. giving up the Liskov substitution principle), Class A initializing class B with particular parameters that cannot be extended or overridden, Class A calling a static method or a singleton method which modifies or reads a global value.

Strong coupling makes you lose on flexibility, reusability and code readability. If you need to modify how either class A or class B behave later, you may now need to painstakingly scan all the places BOTH classes are used (and all the places other classes touching them are used) and modify the way they are constructed. If you want to enable OrderProcessor to accept bank transfers, but it was built to always call "new CreditCardProcessor()" internally inside its constructor, you will now have to find every place CreditCardProcessor is constructed and modify it. The worst offenders I've seen are pure logic classes that have no business having side side effects, but still end up opening multiple files, or doing a bunch of HTTP requests that you cannot avoid, because their authors just thought: "Cool, I can mock all this stuff with PowerMock while testing!"

The other issue I mentioned is code readability. This is especially an issue with singletons or static methods that mutate global state. You basically get the dreaded action-at-a-distance[1]. You might initially write a class that is using a singleton UserSessionManager object to keep track of the current user session. The class only operates on simple single-threaded scenarios, but at one point some other developer decides to use your class in a multi-threaded context. And Boom. Since the singleton UserSessionManager wasn't a part of the interface of your class, the developer wasn't aware that it's being used and that the class is not ready for multi-threaded contexts[2]. But if you've used DI, the dependencies of the classes would have been explicit.

That's the true gist of DI really. DI is not about one heavyweight framework or another (in most cases you could do it quite easily without any framework). It's also not a pure OOP technique (it is common used in functional languages too, e.g. with Reader Monad). Dependency injection is really just about making your dependencies explicit and configurable rather than implicit and fixed.

As a tangent, mocking static methods was possible for a rather long time. PowerMock (which allows mocking statics with EasyMock and Mockito) was available at least since 2008, and JMockit is even earlier, available at least in 2006[3]. So mocking static methods in Java has been possible for a very long time, probably before even 5% of the Java programmers have even started using mock objects.

But it's not always ideal. Unfortunately, tools like PowerMock or JMockit static /final mocking are working by messing with the JVM internals. These libraries often broke down when a new version of Java was released and you had to wait until the compatibility issue was fixed. These libraries also relied on tricks like custom classloaders, Java Instrumentation Agents and bytecode manipulation. These low-level tricks don't play way with many other things. For instance, if you are using a framework which needs its own custom class loader, or when you're using another tool which needs bytecode manipulation. I was personally bitten by this when I wanted to implement mutation testing[4] in Java, and I couldn't get it to work with static mocking. Since I believe mutation testing carries more value than the convenience of being able to mock statics for testing, it was an easy choice to dump Powermock.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Action_at_a_distance_(computer...

[2] https://testing.googleblog.com/2008/08/by-miko-hevery-so-you...

[3] http://butunclebob.com/ArticleS.MichaelFeathers.ItsTimeToDep...

[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutation_testing