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Bloodflowtrixi.jl – 1D and 2D blood flow models for arterial circulation

63 pointsby darbouxlast Saturday at 10:36 PM9 commentsview on HN


kelseyfrogyesterday at 12:38 AM

In the same vein[1], there's actually a lumped parameter model of the cardiovascular system[2]. ie: there is an analogous electrical model for how our blood flows.

1. intended

2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lumped_parameter_model_for_the...

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darbouxlast Saturday at 10:36 PM

BloodFlowTrixi.jl is a Julia package that implements one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) blood flow models for arterial circulation. These models are derived from the Navier-Stokes equations and focus on cardiovascular pathologies such as aneurysms and stenosis.

d3ckardlast Wednesday at 9:16 PM

Of all the languages, it often seems like Julia has the coolest libraries. Great work!

yolhanyesterday at 1:33 PM

Thanks a lot for making this forum I hope people try the package and don't hesitate issuing and/or make PR for what they want to see inside it.

SubiculumCodeyesterday at 4:23 AM

Good for brain hemodynamics?

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kjrfghslkdjflyesterday at 11:00 AM
