>A White House Liaison is to be installed in every independent regulatory agency to enforce direct presidential control
Wow. Literally installing political officers in agencies.
Incidentally, this is still how it works in China today.
Political commissars
> The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.
Seems fine that the bureaucrats to whom executive power is delegated should be answerable to the executive.
My understanding is that politicians are elected whereas bureaucrats are not.
It works for red China, why not the USA too?
BTW, it's not Trump we're going to have to worry about. It's the next guy, who will have Trump imprisoned or executed for treason. This one won't be a blunderer, though, and will seize these levers of control much more firmly and competently.
How very Soviet; installing political commissars to spy on renegades and ensure everyone on the right side of the Politburo^w President.