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Relaxed Radix Balanced Trees (2024)

177 pointsby jasonjmcgheelast Wednesday at 4:05 PM15 commentsview on HN


rtheunissenlast Wednesday at 8:57 PM

I would love to add a good RRB implementation to the persistent benchmarks at [1] to get a state-of-the-art comparison between RRB and BST in a persistent context. Duration, of course, but also number of bytes copied etc.


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bjolilast Wednesday at 8:43 PM

I always wanted a comparison to ropes. Every time I see ropes mentioned I always think "why not use RRB trees?". It seems like less housekeeping, but with all the benefits.

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neonsunsetlast Wednesday at 7:31 PM

If you like radix trees, you may also find this article interesting and useful: https://vincent.bernat.ch/en/blog/2017-ipv4-route-lookup-lin...

lbindreiterlast Wednesday at 5:07 PM

What tool were those tree structure Illustrations created with? They look really nice!

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