$599, 128gb base model.
Welp rip any interest a bunch of us had in an iphoneSE4.
What a fucking waste of time. The sad thing is I can accept that apple continually wants miserable storage base tiers, that ship has sailed and they will never see 256gb as logical starting points on a phone so damn expensive when their computers start at that horrid storage point.
If it was $499 I would have contemplated finally upgrading. At $599 I'll let everyone else beta test apples new modem in case its another 'you're holding it wrong' type of response if it underperforms in speed, connection quality, etc.
The SE was always a bad value prop. A used iPhone was always a much better value. The only reason I approve of the SE is that they get very cheap via the prepaid market (regularly <$100)
The SE3 was 64 GB base, they upped the base storage here. I agree that the price isn’t very attractive. Internationally it’s even worse.