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golergkalast Wednesday at 6:06 PM6 repliesview on HN

What if you need to contact someone and they use whatsapp?


croeslast Wednesday at 6:18 PM

What if they want to contact you and you use Signal?

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Henchman21last Wednesday at 6:12 PM

IME you say “Sorry I only use Signal” and either they change or you don’t get in contact with that person.

If you change and abandon your principles were they really principles in the first place?

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immibislast Wednesday at 6:20 PM

If you really really really need to? You use Whatsapp.

If you don't need to? You tell them to get Signal.

ycombinatrixlast Wednesday at 6:24 PM

Not GP - I tolerate Whatsapp but I draw the line at SMS.

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root_axislast Wednesday at 6:13 PM


Fnoordlast Wednesday at 6:31 PM

You call them. Or use SMS. Or use e-mail.