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pzmarzlylast Wednesday at 7:23 PM2 repliesview on HN

Regarding your first statement: yes, sadly.

Regarding your second one, I have some good news though: ASUS Zenfone 10 is smaller than iPhone 16 by 1.1mm x 3.5mm, Samsung S24 (base model) is 0.6mm x 1.0mm smaller, and Sony Xperia 5 V is only slightly bigger.


red369last Wednesday at 10:30 PM

I know there used to be such a huge range of Android phone sizes, that there was likely to be a phone in the size you wanted, and you acknowledged that the phones you were listing were not the same size as the 12/13 mini...

But the Sony suggested is slightly bigger than the iPhone 16 in 2/3 of the dimensions and this comment thread is lamenting how big the iPhone 16 is! I think people who see the iPhone 16 as so large it is not an option are unlikely to consider switching to Android for an even larger phone.

It's a shame, because Sony used to make smaller phones with only slightly lower specs than their flagship phones. I also still associate them with making sensibly-sized alternatives, even though they don't anymore.

crossroadsguylast Thursday at 12:40 AM

iPhone size is already too big (imho!). So Sony one is anything but that. Asus ZFs? Nope, anything but mainstream. These never released in many geographies including my country - the most populous on the planet and no it was not even too costly for here - and yes, they already have a sales/distributor channel/base here so they didn't have to setup anything.

There really isn't anything mainstream out there at all. Why? Majority, clear majority, of people rejected smaller size phones sadly.