Emergencies must be renewed annually by the President. From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_12170:
> The order was first declared on 14 November 1979 (EO 12170). At least 11 executive orders were based on this emergency state. The emergency, which was renewed in 2023 for the 44th time, is the "oldest existing state of emergency."
That's equivalent to emergencies being permanent and not subject to oversight.
There is very little difference between the president saying "there's an emergency until I say there isn't", and repeating every year, "there's an emergency for the next year".
Though that Wikipedia article does say that Congress is supposed to review emergency orders, but in practice they just let the president do whatever.
> Emergencies must be renewed annually by the President.
This is like agencies investigating themselves and inevitably finding themselves clear of any wrongdoing.