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andreygrehovlast Wednesday at 7:47 PM5 repliesview on HN

They provided some domains, but not all of them are taken. For example, signal-protect[.]host is available, kropyva[.]site is available, signal-confirm[.]site is registered in Ukraine. Some of them are registered in Russia.

Never trust a country at war—any side. Party A blames B, Party B blames A, but both have their own agenda.


dtquadlast Wednesday at 9:32 PM

>signal-confirm[.]site is registered in Ukraine

The WHOIS is usually fake made up data so don't know why you are using that to claim it's registered in Ukraine. Russia is also known to use stolen credentials, SIM cards etc. from their neighbouring countries, including Ukraine, for things like this.

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WesolyKubeczeklast Wednesday at 9:47 PM

I believe you are making a mistake by thinking that since a malicious actor's domain is registered in Ukraine, it automatically must be doing something in the interests of Ukraine, or at least be known to its officials.

Lots of Russian state actors have no problems working from within Ukraine, alas. Add to this purely chaotic criminal actors who will go with the highest bidder, territories temporarily controlled by Russians that have people shuttle to Ukraine and back daily, and it becomes complicated very quickly.

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nightpoollast Wednesday at 8:21 PM

An unregistered domain can still be an IoC especially when found through e.g. payload analysis.

TheSpiceIsLifelast Wednesday at 10:48 PM

Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.

XorNotlast Wednesday at 9:37 PM
