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PaulHoulelast Wednesday at 8:03 PM5 repliesview on HN

An airline reservation system has to be perfect (no slack in today's skies), a hotel reservation can be 98% perfect so long as there is some slack and you don't mind putting somebody up in a better room than they paid for from time to time.

A social media system doesn't need to be perfect at all. It was clear to me from the beginning that Bluesky's feeds aren't very fast, not like they are crazy slow, but if it saves money or effort it's no problem if notifications are delayed 30s.


darknavilast Wednesday at 8:31 PM

It's funny because from my experience airline systems are very imperfect (timing wise).

I (unwisely) tried to purchase an Icelandair ticket via the Chase travel portal. I would get a reservation number, go buy seats on Icelandair's website, and a few days later the entire reservation would vanish into the ether. Rinse and repeat 3x.

I can't remember the exact verbiage, but basically tickets can be "reserved" and "booked". One means the ticket is allocated, and one means the ticket is actually paid for. I eventually sat on the phone with an executive support person as they booked the ticket and got it all the way through. It turns out Chase reserves a ticket on an airline but as an SLA of ~3 days to actually pay for the ticket. Icelandair's requires a ticket to be paid with in 24 hours, so it was timing out.

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rcontilast Wednesday at 8:27 PM

Especially for a free service!

Think about other ad-supported sites. If you're an engineer working on an ad-supported product, the perfect consistency you strive for in your code is not the product. The product is the sum of all of the content the user sees. And the costs of the tradeoffs you make are paid for by ads.

Am I willing to see 10x more ads for perfect consistency? Definitely not.

singleshot_last Wednesday at 8:25 PM

Does the fact that an airline booking system must be perfect explain why so many flights are overbooked or cancelled?

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nonrandomstringlast Wednesday at 11:44 PM

> airline reservation system has to be perfect (no slack in today's skies)

The slack just gets moved. Airlines oversell by about 8 percent. All systems need some slack in them. Isn't that kinda Bob's Law or something?

gamedeverlast Wednesday at 9:46 PM

Miscommunication leads to bad outcomes. One missed message out of order could easily lead to a fight, a lawsuit, a flash mob, threats of violence - that then need to be taken seriously, swatting, DOXxing, etc...

Msg 1: I hate ___insert_controversal_person_category_here___

Msg 2: Is the kind of statement that really sets me off

Msg 1 has a very different meaning if you don't see Msg 2.

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