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qwertoxlast Wednesday at 8:49 PM2 repliesview on HN

Wireshark seems a bit misleading. More like a "network inspector" if one leans towards the browser's network tab in the inspector?

But it really looks useful and I'll definitely play with it to see if I put it into my toolbox.


adtaclast Wednesday at 10:40 PM


re the Wireshark analogy: the reason I used that was because: (1) Subtrace operates at roughly the same level in the operating system stack, (2) has similar capabilities, (3) has an overlap in use-cases, and (4) has been the most effective at communicating what Subtrace is in my experience so far. I can see why the analogy is not a perfect 1:1 mapping (obligatory xkcd: https://xkcd.com/624), but naming things is hard and taglines are just names in idea space :)

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chatmastalast Thursday at 6:07 AM

I can already use Wireshark itself with docker containers.

IMO the real UX problem is that there’s nothing in between “Wireshark” and “DevTools.”

What would be cool is a program that renders the real DevTools UI from a .pcap file (or stdin).

There’s a lot of use cases where I can capture all the traffic with Wireshark but I just want a basic DevTools interface.