> Showing a big snackbar when
A big... what?
Can you tell me what this new lingo is for someone who doesn't use the latest and shittiest marketing lingo?
> latest and shittiest marketing lingo
It exists since Android 6: https://developer.android.com/reference/com/google/android/m...
Informative banner that does not require user interaction to dismiss.
Snackbar isn't a particularly new term, it goes back, IIRC, to the first version of Material Design and is similar to a toast but different in that snackbars may support interaction whereas toasts are non-interactive.
An in-app notification along the bottom of your screen. Usually just some text on a dark grey or black background.
> shittiest marketing lingo
Is that what you call the words you don't understand?
It’s UI design language: https://developer.android.com/reference/com/google/android/m...