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Build your own SQLite in Rust, Part 5: Evaluating queries

201 pointsby todsacerdotilast Wednesday at 10:32 PM22 commentsview on HN


bfrogyesterday at 12:41 AM

This is a really cool set of articles, and while it’s not going to replace sqlite it’s fantastic to see the pieces needed to do sql with SQLite’s file format

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Animatsyesterday at 5:10 AM

I wish someone would finish a decent database in Rust. At least get it to 1.0 stable and go on from there.

- Limbo: "Limbo is a work-in-progress..."

- Sled [1]. Not sure what's going on there. Last release 3 years ago, but a constant stream of "alpha" versions that never get released.

SQLite with Rust bindings seems to be the go-to system. Depending on C packages is often a headache when cross-compiling, though.

[1] https://crates.io/crates/sled/

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mmiaoyesterday at 2:00 AM

Making a basic database that works is not hard, but making a robust one is really hard. What makes SQLite shines is its extensive testsuite. I still don't understand the motivation of limbo, as without years of hardwork on test you can't say you are correct, and why i should pay for it...

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