I think that part of what you are talking about is sometimes called "attestation". Basically a signature, with a root that you trust that confirms beyond doubt the provenience of the entity (phone + os + app) that you interact with.
Android has that and can confirm to a third party if the phone is running for example a locked bootloader with a Google signature and a Google OS. It's technically possible to have a different chain of trust and get remote parties to accept a Google phone + a Lineage OS(an example) "original" software.
The last part is the app. You could in theory attest the signature on the app, which the OS has access to and could provide to the remote party if needed.
A fully transparent attested artifact, which doesn't involve blind trust in a entity like Google, would use a ledger with hashes and binaries of the components being attested, instead of root of trust of signatures.
All of the above are technically possible, but not implemented today in such a way to make this feasible. I'm confident that with enough interest this will be eventually implemented.