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KubeVPN: Revolutionizing Kubernetes Local Development

59 pointsby naisonyesterday at 5:09 AM17 commentsview on HN


remramyesterday at 4:28 PM

I don't really understand the point of this. I have a production cluster and I develop locally. My dev environment is not connected to the production cluster. That seems super dangerous.

My dev environment has the database with mock data, the backend, etc all running there. I would never connect to the production cluster. I don't need to VPN into another cluster to run locally.

Even if I have a dev cluster/namespace, then I will run the code I'm currently developing there. That's the point of a dev cluster. (Tilt for example can do both: a local cluster (minikube/k3d/...) or a remote test cluster)

I don't understand in what situation you have an app that needs to partially run in the cluster and needs to partially run on your machine.

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techn00yesterday at 3:47 PM

My ideal k8s dev env (I wonder if any of the tools do this):

- local on my machine.

- ingress with https + subdomains integrated with mDNS (so I can access the services easily from my phone when developing mobile apps). mDNS also makes sure that other devs can set it up locally for themselves.

- easily swap what I'm working on, if I have 3 services A, B, C, while I'm working on A locally, I want B and C to run in the cluster and to be able to interact with them, same if I'm working on B, A and C should run in the cluster.

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Nullabillityyesterday at 1:02 PM

Looks a lot like Telepresence[0] to me.

[0]: https://www.telepresence.io/

pipesyesterday at 4:06 PM

If I'm trying to teach myself k8s at home would this be useful? Or is something like minikube better for learning?

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louwrentiusyesterday at 11:28 AM

If I may ask: what problem does this solve?

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curtisszmaniayesterday at 6:27 PM
