As someone who recently switched from a Pixel 5 to an iPhone 15 Pro (bought purely for the camera as I'm travelling around Japan at the moment), I hate it. I'm going straight back to Android when I get back to the UK.
I plugged it into my MBP expecting to be able to copy media over, but you can only copy it into the sandboxed filesystem of one app. So choose wisely.
Downloading media using Plex etc sucks. As soon as the phone locks or you move to another app, it stops. On Pixel, I could queue up a load of downloads or SMB transfers, lock my phone on the side and expect them to be complete when I come back.
As for a terminal or using it like a computer, fuhgeddaboutit.
If anything I've said is wrong, please correct me. I want to like this phone, the camera is out of this world.