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scarab92last Thursday at 9:09 AM2 repliesview on HN



intendedlast Thursday at 10:26 AM

Course theres something wrong with it. When the frik did Americans, and American techies - get so blasé about personal information security! America fought against the idea of biometric ID cards. People on HN have railed against giving more information to the government forever.

What the hell? Like this shit didn’t happen back home in INDIA, and that’s a nation which is comfortable with a stronger state.

It’s NOT OK, and you can very well acknowledge that fact because you can just imagine what eviscerating a legacy code base without a replacement looks like. It looks like the disaster you wish on your worst enemy while you quit the firm and look for a new job.

This isn’t beyond the project execution and technical ability of most people here to grasp.

ask yourself how many consecutive miracles would it take for this to go off without a hitch. Then ask yourself if you are that lucky.

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tourist2dlast Thursday at 12:06 PM

So more ambitiousness means you should get access to more user information?