There are. Anything that is a file in an open format will outlive me (given minimal care in terms of backups). My family photos, my markdown notes, non-DRM music and ebooks, proper applications. I’d say it’s all digital things, except for a small enshittified sliver.
Renting, however, does not work that way. Any DRM-protected download is a rental. Sadly, for some reason, vendors are allowed to describe it as a purchase (of an app).
I don’t know why you are giving up.
> My family photos, my markdown notes, non-DRM music and ebooks, proper applications.
There's no guarantee you'll be able to easily use an ebook in today's formats 50 years from now.
Same for applications.
You're really that confident in 50 years you'll be able to easily run x86 applications written for Windows or Mac?