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loudmaxlast Thursday at 4:26 PM2 repliesview on HN

One use case I imagine is skilled workmanship. For example, putting on a pair of AR glasses and having the equivalent of an experienced plumber telling me exactly where to look for that leak and how to fix it. Or how to replace my brake pads or install a new kitchen sink.

When I hire a plumber or a mechanic or an electrician, I'm not just paying for muscle. Most of the value these professionals bring is experience and understanding. If a video-capable AI model is able to assume that experience, then either I can do the job myself or hire some 20 year old kid at roughly minimum wage. If capabilities like this come about, it will be very disruptive, for better and for worse.


hulahooflast Thursday at 9:57 PM

Sounds like what Hololens was designed to solve, more in the AR space than AI though

semi-extrinsiclast Thursday at 4:57 PM

This is called "watching YouTube tutorials". We've had it for decades.

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