The classname "lowagie" will live forever in the memory of Java developers, but we've all abandoned itext for the fork:
I thought most were using Apache PDFBox these days. Anyone have any thoughts on how the two libraries compare in 2025? I'm particularly interested in programatic creation of PDFs.
I know historically PDFBox is a bit lower level whereas iText was a bit more user friendly, but that's not too big of a deal for me.
Does it support tagged documents and PDF2.0 as well?
For some context on that infamous classname, see and
As the commenters above note, the "upgrade" to AGPL was both highly profitable to Lowagie and caused many to shift to an open-source fork.
IMO forks are the great leveler; if your brand strength and your ongoing investment in engineering + community make a license shift viable (and if you retain the trust of your contributors) then everybody wins... but if you make a license shift and just rest on your laurels, forks will destroy your value. I don't know enough about the history to know what happened in this case, but based on the successful exit, I imagine it's somewhere between these two extremes.