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hylaridelast Thursday at 4:53 PM1 replyview on HN

It's a classic example of a long-term trust network getting breached, in this case by a trusted local that got in over their head. The bank was created to provide loans to locals, mostly farmers where everybody knew how farm loans worked and obviously did well doing that.

People don't understand that these trust networks are only as strong as the weakest link. Even with everyone having good intentions, they don't understand that people can be blackmailed, have mental health breakdowns, etc.


JKCalhounlast Thursday at 5:40 PM

It's also a more poignant tale of a small, community where (thanks, Internet!) international grifters could nonetheless inject themselves.

Or, more cynically, this guy was destined to be scammed and the internet in short order put him to the test. One has to think though that if it were a local scammer we would not be talking tens of millions of dollars.

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