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Show HN: WinCse – Integrating AWS S3 with Windows Explorer

60 pointsby cbh34680yesterday at 5:53 PM16 commentsview on HN

WinCse is an application that integrates AWS S3 buckets with Windows Explorer. Utilizing WinFsp and the AWS SDK, WinCse allows you to treat S3 buckets as part of your local file system, making file management simpler. The application is currently in development, with plans for additional features and improvements.


password4321yesterday at 7:00 PM

In case anyone is not aware, https://github.com/rclone/rclone written in Go is the established swiss army knife of cloud storage sync, and supports mounting on Windows with many caveats (https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_mount/).

Congratulations on hitting the HN frontpage with your new project, mounting cloud storage locally is definitely a topic of interest!

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js4everyesterday at 6:08 PM

This is a very early/basic implementation by looking at the limitations:

- File system editing is not yet supported (planned for future updates).

- Files larger than 4MB are not supported at this time.

- Referencing buckets in different regions fails.

- Only up to 1000 files can be displayed in a single directory

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nimishtoday at 4:28 AM

Neat! The "native" version of FUSE for windows is a "Shell Namespace Extension" and might make it a little more integrated.


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cgcrobtoday at 12:21 AM

Ah one click away from a $500 egress transfer bill.

I only say that because I’ve done it. The NAS is no longer backed up to S3. (Testing the backups caused the bill)

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glonqyesterday at 9:08 PM

Cool. I've been using Cyberduck as my awesome/free S3 GUI, but it's always great to see something new and different!

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whatever1yesterday at 7:06 PM

Isn’t this Dropbox ? (Okok joking)

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m-s-yyesterday at 6:32 PM

I can understand using software like this in conjunction with local cacheing, but it seems to me that direct access to S3 would be fraught with edge cases and performance issues.

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mNovakyesterday at 8:02 PM

I think there's a lot of interest in this topic generally, so I hope this continues to develop. I for one pay for ExpanDrive, and am also aware of Mountain Duck in this space.

In my experience, those options are functional for infrequent operations, but not constant daily interaction, in the way you can with Dropbox for instance. Offline caching is of course one major aspect, but also I presume lots of error handling hidden in the background for smooth operation.

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