I believe part of the problem is the fact that Aa.exe fil B is created BY packaging multiple library files And or graphics , arrays ETC. and there is no default order into which part of the EXE file they land. there are some Tools ... hex editors come to mind. I seem to recall NOPING out A jump or two in my younger days edit: the these days that probably wouldn't work due to CRC checks... but there was a time... Then again that may be just the perfect place to start riverus engineering;) smile I have some good memories of playing a Medal of honor in which I changed all the door Textures to transparent window textures and having to work around CRC protection... good times smiley :)
Approximately how long does it take to collide a CRC naively? I'm guessing there's a trick that makes it faster, these days?
It takes my computer on a single core about 7 minutes to find a nonce for an arbitrary files sha256 to prefix the left side with 4 or 5 zeros (like bitcoin difficulty doubling). Obviously the heat death of the universe would occur trying to collide sha256 on a single core, but CRC - Gemini says it depends on the algorithm, but crc 32 should take about an hour to collide, but it didn't specify "any" or "arbitrary" collisions, but mentioned "any" right before that. So if the most probable sentence after "any collision" is a time estimate, with the logic of LLM implies that's the easier case of any collision.