Felt like talking to a person, I couldn't bring myself to treat it like a piece of code, that's how real it felt. I wanted to be polite and diplomatic, caught myself thinking about "how I look to this person". This brought me thinking of the conscious effort we put in when we talk with people and how sloppy and relaxed we can be when interacting with algorithms.
For a little example, when searching Google I default to a minimal set of keywords required to get the result, instead of typing full sentences. I'm sort of afraid this technology will train people to behave like that when video chatting with virtual assistants and that attitude will bleed in real life interactions in societies.
Thanks for that insight. Brian here, one of the engineers for CVI. I've spoken with CVI so much, and as it has become more natural, I've found myself becoming more comfortable with a conversational style of interaction with the vastness of information contained within the LLMs and context under the hood. Whereas, with Google or other search based interactions I'm more point and shoot. I find CVI is more of an experience and for me yields more insight.
I see it the other way around.
I think our human-human interaction style will “leak” into the way we interact with humanoid AI agents. Movie-Her style.