This looks cool but is too similar to "site:" for me.
What would be super awesome, imo, would be if I could assign "some sites" as a short code, then snaps that.
So for instance, I might put html, phoenix, CSS, and tailwind spec/references all as one grouping, and then I can search "select drop-down @phoenix" - and search for that across all references (so I can see the html spec alongside the tailwind and phoenix docs)
I would also say that probably this feature was nearly custom made for Reddit and there are few other sites that you would probably use it on. For this feature to be useful, a few things need to be true:
1. The site has a lot of content worth parsing such that it's worthwhile to limit your search to only that site.
2. The site itself has a garbage search functionality that you would not want to use instead
3. You need to be searching that site frequently enough that there is a need to shorthand it instead of typing out the long form syntax
4. The site must have content that is generally picked up best by a traditional search indexer e.g. mostly be text based in what you want to search
There are relatively few sites like that in existence. Probably if I mentioned the above requirements to anyone well versed in internet, Reddit would be the immediate first example out of anyone's mouth. Perhaps there are a few other sites that might meet the mark (Stackoverflow and Github come to mind in my example, or possibly other social media giants heavier in text based content as well. Or Hacker News, ofc). But most other large sites' search story is better enough that even then I would probably not naturally use this feature instead.
> What would be super awesome, imo, would be if I could assign "some sites" as a short code, then snaps that.
My app already does that! (Except with buttons; bang triggers coming soon...) Note you need to give browser permissions to open pop-ups, otherwise multiple tabs cannot be opened.
- Docs/examples:
- All buttons share the (text) input at the top. ENTER inside the input triggers the first blue button.
- Blue buttons launch all dark gray links in their category.
- Gray buttons launch individual links.
- Light gray buttons are excluded from the launch group (but they can be manually launched.)
Recently I realized bangs and launch buttons are just bookmarks. So I'm currently combining these concepts so you can launch bookmarks or groups of bookmarks with a bang trigger. (As well as take notes for a URL!)
- The very first iteration of this idea launched multiple images searches at the same time:
- Now implemented as a launch group:
You can already do that with Kagi lenses (if I understand you correctly)
You can create a custom lens that includes those sites and point a custom bang at it.
For example I have a custom QT lens that only includes results from [*, *, *] and a !qt bang pointing to it at
(you'll have to change the l= id to point at your lens)