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Syonyk10/11/20248 repliesview on HN

I am apparently a bot. :(

Beep Boop!

(I've let the page sit for a minute or so, and it hasn't concluded that I am not a bot yet, but also, I'm aware I look weird - Firefox, with Javascript JIT disabled, with no GPU acceleration)

I don't know what it's using on the backend, but it doesn't seem to pass for me, and doesn't give me the usual option to pick a baby chicken from a baby duck to prove I'm human.



Console logs that look possibly interesting:

> WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER. v1:1:102781

> Turnstile Widget seem to have crashed: 9icuj api.js:1:17810

> Uncaught TurnstileError: [Cloudflare Turnstile] Error: 300030. > https://urlshortenersaresoyesterdaytrythisamazingsuperlongur... B2SIiwBB.js:9


I don't have WebGL support, so I can't use a URL lengthener, because the bot checker appears to crash shortly after. Someone stop this timeline, I want to get off.

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Same boat, the attempt at bot detection prevents the page from working at all for me.


Also wasn't able to use it here, after unblocking the third-party requests to CloudFlare for this site.

This isn't the first time CloudFlare blocks me, but usually it's a CloudFlare page shown before the actual site's page renders.

Internet Service Denier


Yeah, mine just says "Checking if you're a bot..." indefinitely. OpenBSD, Firefox, Chromium. Cloudflare sometimes blocks me from sites because, well, reasons - it doesn't actually say why, but I suspect the whole "weird OS + strict privacy settings in Firefox", because the same sites load just fine on my other machines. /shrug


Same experience here with Firefox Focus on iOS (with enhanced tracking protection on). It’s just stuck at the checking if you’re a bot stage.

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Same for me, with the most generic Chrome-on-Android browser config ever.


It just turns URLs into this


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