I am apparently a bot. :(
Beep Boop!
(I've let the page sit for a minute or so, and it hasn't concluded that I am not a bot yet, but also, I'm aware I look weird - Firefox, with Javascript JIT disabled, with no GPU acceleration)
I don't know what it's using on the backend, but it doesn't seem to pass for me, and doesn't give me the usual option to pick a baby chicken from a baby duck to prove I'm human.
Same boat, the attempt at bot detection prevents the page from working at all for me.
Also wasn't able to use it here, after unblocking the third-party requests to CloudFlare for this site.
This isn't the first time CloudFlare blocks me, but usually it's a CloudFlare page shown before the actual site's page renders.
Internet Service Denier
Yeah, mine just says "Checking if you're a bot..." indefinitely. OpenBSD, Firefox, Chromium. Cloudflare sometimes blocks me from sites because, well, reasons - it doesn't actually say why, but I suspect the whole "weird OS + strict privacy settings in Firefox", because the same sites load just fine on my other machines. /shrug
Same experience here with Firefox Focus on iOS (with enhanced tracking protection on). It’s just stuck at the checking if you’re a bot stage.
Same for me, with the most generic Chrome-on-Android browser config ever.
It just turns URLs into this
Console logs that look possibly interesting:
> WEBGL_debug_renderer_info is deprecated in Firefox and will be removed. Please use RENDERER. v1:1:102781
> Turnstile Widget seem to have crashed: 9icuj api.js:1:17810
> Uncaught TurnstileError: [Cloudflare Turnstile] Error: 300030. > https://urlshortenersaresoyesterdaytrythisamazingsuperlongur... B2SIiwBB.js:9
I don't have WebGL support, so I can't use a URL lengthener, because the bot checker appears to crash shortly after. Someone stop this timeline, I want to get off.