How can one define an infinite grammar in Rust?
E.g., a context-free rule S ::= abc|aabbcc|aaabbbccc|... can effectively parse a^Nb^Nc^N which is an example of context-sensitive grammar.
This is a simple example, but something like that can be seen in practice. One example is when language allows definition of operators.
So, how does Rust handle that?
Using parser combinator library "nom", this should probably do what you'd want:
fn parse_abc(input: &str, n: usize) -> IResult<&str, (Vec<char>, Vec<char>, Vec<char>)> {
let (input, result) = tuple(( many_m_n(n, n, char('a')),
many_m_n(n, n, char('b')),
many_m_n(n, n, char('c'))
Ok((input, result))
It parses (the beginning of) the input, ensuring `n` repetitions of 'a', 'b', and 'c'. Parse errors are reported through the return type, and the remaining characters are returned for the application to deal with as it sees fit.
In Haskell I think it's something like: