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Elwood Edwards, voice of AOL's 'you've got mail' alert, has died

148 pointsby tysone11/08/202431 commentsview on HN



For a while it was possible to pay Elwood Edwards to record a short message (https://web.archive.org/web/20080613203307/http://www.makinw...). In 2002, I had him record "Mail classified by POPFile" for my POPFile machine learning email classifier (https://getpopfile.org).

You can listen to it here: https://soundcloud.com/john-graham-cumming/mail-classified-b...

I paid $30 for that. And him saying "Use the source, Luke!"

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He was paid piecemeal for the recordings.

He drove for Uber later in life. Here's a video on it from Inside Edition:


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love that The Simpsons actually tracked him down to do the "You've Got Leprosy" line. Dedication to the authenticity.


When emails were infrequent enough that you’d only hear this a few times per day. I feel like setting it up now just to see how irritating it is. RIP EE.


The Twenty Thousand Hertz podcast had a episode featuring Mr. Edwards: https://www.20k.org/episodes/youvegotmail


If I'm running a command in the background, and want to be notified when it's done, I usually run it like

  cmd; say 'files done' 
I wish I could use his voice though! These were sounds of my childhood.

We used the same voice in GE's BusinessTalk system. I think BT and AOL shared a codebase. Not sure which was first.

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A final "{S goodbye"


When I was a kid, using AOL with all my friends, I spent a few hours in Soundforge editing a clip of me saying "worms" as close to the AOL tone as possible. I did it pretty convincingly and began distributing the "You've got worms!" notification everywhere I could.

Anyone under 100 will probably think this was really stupid, but it was amusing to me - and all the other silly hacks on windows and such.


If the early internet had a voice it was definitely his, "You got mail!" is iconic.

I'm a sad panda hearing that he passed. Rest in peace, and thank you.

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