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chipdartlast Wednesday at 4:54 PM2 repliesview on HN

> In my experience, the mess created using OOP is harder to untangle than the mess created using a functional approach.

OP complained about accidental complexity, not subjective takes on how hard it is to refactor code.

Even so, anyone who has any cursory experience with TypeScript projects that follow a functional style can tell you without any doubt whatsoever that functional style is incomparably harder to refactor than any "enterprise-grade" OOP.


nineplaylast Wednesday at 5:38 PM

> OP complained about accidental complexity, not subjective takes on how hard it is to refactor code.

The biggest problem with accidental complexity _is_ how hard it is to refactor code. Refactoring code is a huge part of software development.

nailerlast Thursday at 9:52 PM

> Even so, anyone who has any cursory experience with TypeScript projects that follow a functional style can tell you without any doubt whatsoever that functional style is incomparably harder to refactor than any "enterprise-grade" OOP.

My experience differs greatly. One can see functional style has taken off in the TS world, particularly with the popularity of React, so I suspect I'm not alone.